Clifford Primary School

Clifford Primary School

Modern Foreign Languages

In Clifford Primary School our aim is to develop children’s love and enjoyment of languages, with the confidence to have a go.

Lessons are active, fun and engaging, with very enthusiastic teachers and children. All year groups learn to sing songs in French. In years 3 to 6 children have a weekly lesson where they learn to speak and write in sentences, using familiar vocabulary, phrases and pronunciation.

We are excited to be linked with a School in Bazas, France. Each year the children send Christmas cards and write letters to each other. The children have really enjoyed finding out how schools are run in France and all about Bazas. 

Year 5 and 6 Assembly French story 

Christmas Cards from French Pen pals to KS2:


Although French is the main language that the children learn at Clifford Primary School. From a young age the children are taught to say hello in various languages. The children particularly enjoyed the Spanish Enrichment Day.

Spanish for Enrichment Day: phrases, Flamenco, Spanish artists and tapas.


French Story Years 5 & 6

Documents will be shown in alphabetical order.
To list in date order, the folder should contain the word 'letter' or 'minute'.