Clifford Primary School

Clifford Primary School


‘Our primary aim within PSHE is to develop positive mental attitudes to life, relationships, responsibility, change and learning now and in the future. We aim to teach our children the values, skills and knowledge they will need to help keep them happy, safe and healthy in the modern world.’

 Our PSHE curriculum aims to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk assessment, team-working and critical thinking.

Throughout the school we use ‘Jigsaw’ to support out teaching and learning. It provides a detailed and comprehensive scheme for teaching PSHE.    


 There are five main themes that run through all year groups

  • Being me in my world 
  • Celebrating differences
  • Dreams and goals
  • Healthy Me
  • Relationship
  • Changing Me






 Values education is embedded throughout our school and our assemblies are based around a different value each half term.