Religious Education
Religious Education
In Clifford Primary School, RE provides our children with a greater understanding and respect for the opinions and beliefs of other people. We offer an insight into the religious traditions of Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu people; which we believe will prepare them for living in a multi-faith community. We also explore other non-religious worldviews such as Atheism, Agnosticism and Humanism.
Diwali Celebration - 2024
Within RE lessons, the children are encouraged to share and reflect upon their own personal ideas about the existence of God and compare and contrast their views with those of others. We want them to understand that what people believe can make a difference to the way they live their lives; how they dress and how they behave or worship.
We provide our pupils with the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to handle questions raised by religion and belief. Our lessons are full of interesting discussions where everybody’s point of view is valued and accepted. The children learn about religion through stories, role play, videos, art and music. They also enjoy experiencing a range of religious artefacts.
Different religious celebrations are explored throughout the year. Special presentations from visiting speakers serve to bring the subject alive. Fortunately, we are able to draw from our local community to enhance the teaching of RE and the children look forward to these visits. Our local vicar, visits the school at special Christian times of the year to talk to us about the importance of these events to Christians and Mrs. Smolas has already visited this year to tell us all about the Hindu festival of Diwali. We look forward to learning more about ‘Puja’ in her next planned visit in the spring term. We also hold interactive events like Holi, mock christenings and weddings and we visit the local churches. Our Y6 pupils also attend multi-faith local events when they are held.
The Christian after school Club ‘Messy Church’ is very popular when it visits our school once a month for interactive fun with a religious theme.
The Herefordshire Agreed RE Syllabus (2020-2025) is used to support the teaching and learning of RE. This curriculum helps the children to make sense of, understand the impact and significance of religious and non-religious beliefs and to then make connections between them.