Clifford Primary School

Clifford Primary School

Times of the school day

Times of the school day

Morning drop off:

8.40 am: All classes

 At 8.40 am all pupils arrive at school where they will be greeted by members of staff on duty. Please note children should not arrive before 8.40am. When the children arrive they walk into the school in an orderly way, place their coats and bags in their pigeon holes and go out to play until the bell rings at 8.55am. Staff are available to help with younger children’s clothing. Once the Reception Year children are used to the routine we do ask you to say goodbye to your child in the playground to prevent congestion and accidents in the cloakroom. If you need to speak with your child’s class teacher, we ask that you make an appointment for the end of the day unless it is of an urgent nature when you are asked to leave a message with the school secretary.

The timings of the day are as follows;

8.55 - 9.10am Registration

9.10 - 10.30am Lessons

10.30am Assembly

10.45 – 11.00am Morning break

11.00am – 12pm Lessons

12 – 1pm Lunch

2pm - Daily Run 

1 – 3.10 / 3.15pm Lessons 

Pick up times

3.10pm: Reception, Years 1 and 2

3.15pm: Year 3 to 6

Staff will accompany the children to the playground at the end of each school day to supervise the collection of children and the school buses. 

If normal collection arrangements for your child(ren) have been changed in any way, please inform the school.

Lateness in arrival and collection can be distressing for children. We ask you therefore to ensure that your child is at school on time and collected promptly at the end of the day.