Clifford Primary School

Clifford Primary School

Vision & Values 

A school where every child feels safe, happy and valued. They make good memories through interesting learning opportunities and a range of experiences, which enables them to be ready for their next stage in life.”


 Our Intent

At Clifford we value individuality, both of children and staff. We strive to create a peaceful, happy environment where everybody can be themselves, and good friendships are made. Teachers are passionate, creative and resourceful. We make use of the extensive natural environment around us, and the wider world, to enhance children’s learning. Using drama, art, music and sport, we teach a broad and balanced curriculum in a fun and memorable way. We pride ourselves on being one big happy family.

We support children to be happy, healthy and confident, with high self-esteem. Pupils of all abilities have opportunities to thrive and reach their full potential. Children’s voices are heard. We encourage children to make positive choices and to learn from their mistakes and successes; as a result they develop a love of learning. Children appreciate and look after their local community and the world beyond. As a school, we understand the importance of reflection, stillness and mindfulness.

